In the world of mathematics, division by zero is undefined. If you look at a graph of numbers as they are reciprocated, as the number approaches zero, it gets larger. But when you hit zero, mathematicians define it as undefined. The number approaches infinity, but it does not reach it.
A One Off is a unique creation by somebody or a production of one item.
I created a new definition of division by zero. I say that it is equivalent to division by one. Here is my reasoning. Let's look at the number two. It represents two things. When you divide by two, there are two things created. You divide by or create two things. Zero represents nothing. I will prove it to you by giving you zero balls. When you divide by nothing, which is what zero represents, then you cannot divide it at all. Therefore, the number is itself, which is equivalent to divide by one.
The logo is Infinity divided by 0. In my mathematics, this is Infinity. In traditional mathematics, the number approaches Infinity, which is what it starts out as in the first place. Either that, or I am undefined.
I will accept my Nobel Prize in Mathematics now.